Import Data

You can initiate data imports in Concord CRM by utilizing a correctly formatted and saved CSV file. Our CRM system is proficient in importing data for a wide array of resources, including:

  • Deals
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Activities
  • Products

With Concord CRM, the process of importing data becomes highly efficient and hassle-free, ensuring that your information seamlessly integrates with the system.

Before import, make sure that the CSV file is saved in UTF-8 to avoid any encoding issues.


The import feature for all the supported resources is located when viewing the index page, for example, table contacts.

  • Navigate to the resource list view.
  • Click the ellipsis button located on the top right side.
  • Click Import.

  • Download a sample file to get familiar with how your rows must be constructed.
  • After you are ready with your file, upload the file to start the import process.
  1. When importing huge amount of data and you have created Zapier zaps with create triggers it's highly recommended to temporary disable the zaps from your Zapier account to prevent thousands of zaps triggering because of the created records, this will help you to not waste your remaining tasks in your Zapier account, it's recommended to enable the zaps after 30 minutes you performed the import.

  2. It's recommended that the CSV file headings (first row) names be the same as the sample file you downloaded, so Concord CRM can map them to the appropriate fields during upload.

  3. Any workflow triggers, notifications like assigned emails or dashboard notifications are disabled during import.

  4. The import file should not exceeds 4000 rows (heading row excluded), if the import file has more then the maximum allowed rows, consider splitting the import process into multiple files.

Using Columns Mapping

Concord CRM's import feature offers a user-friendly way to match your CSV file columns with the CRM fields, ensuring accurate data integration.

Preparing for Import

  • Initial Alignment: Align your CSV header rows with Concord CRM field names for easier mapping.
  • Flexibility in Mapping: Post-upload, you can adjust the mappings, skip columns, or remap as needed.

Mapping Interface

  • CSV Columns:
    • The left-hand side displays your CSV file columns, including sample data for better identification.
  • CRM Fields:
    • On the right-hand side, choose corresponding CRM fields for each CSV column.

Ensuring Accurate Data Is Provided

  • Precise Mapping:
    • Carefully map each column to the correct CRM field for seamless data integration.
  • User/Owner Fields:
    • When mapping user/owner fields, ensure to provide either the ID or full name of the user.

When required, the user/owner fields must always be provided with ID or full name of the user.

This column mapping process is designed to facilitate a smooth and error-free data import into your Concord CRM system.

Managing Skip Files During Import

Concord CRM ensures data accuracy by validating each row during import. Rows that fail validation are compiled in a skip file for review and correction.

Understanding the Skip File

  • Validation Check: Each row is validated for required fields and format correctness.
  • Skip File Generation: Rows failing validation are listed in a skip file with detailed reasons for skipping.

Reviewing Skipped Rows

  • Skipped Row Insights:
    • The skip file provides specific reasons for each skipped row, aiding in troubleshooting.
  • Accessing the File:
    • Find the number of skipped rows in the "Skipped" column post-import.
    • Click the "Why" link and select "Download Skip File" to review details.

Correcting and Re-uploading Data

  • File Examination:
    • Open the skip file to understand why certain rows were skipped.
  • Rectifying Data:
    • Address the issues as per the skip reasons and prepare the corrected file.
    • Use the Upload fixed skip file button for re-uploading.

Maintaining Import Info

  • Accuracy in Info:

    Re-uploading via the Upload fixed skip file in the import the skip file was generated ensures updated and accurate import info.

  • Example:

    If an import of 500 contacts leads to 450 imported, 20 duplicates, and 30 skipped, fixing and re-uploading the 30 skipped contacts will update the "Skipped" count to 0 and "Imported" to 480, assuming no new errors.

Handling Duplicate Records

  • Companies, Contacts, or Products: If the import file consist of unique custom fields, Concord CRM will first search for duplicate records based on the provided unique custom field values, and if a duplicate record is found, will be updated.

  • Contacts: If a contact already exists by email or phone number, the contact will be updated with the new values from the import file.

  • Products: If a product already exists by name or SKU number, the product will be updated with the new values from the import file.

  • Companies: If company address (street, city, state, zip/postal code, country) or email already exists, the company will be updated with the new values from the import file.

  • If a duplicate record is found and this duplicate record is in the trash, the record will be restored from the tash.

Reverting an Import

Quickly undo recent imports in Concord CRM with the "revert import" feature.

How to Revert an Import

  • Revert Availability: Revert an import within 24 hours of its completion.
  • Applies For: Only applies to new records added from a CSV file; updates or duplicates are not affected.
  • Identify Revertible Imports:
    • Look for a red Revert action link next to the import's record count.

Reverting Process

  1. Select the Import: Find the import you wish to undo.
  2. Initiate Revert: Click the Revert link next to the relevant import.
  3. Confirm Action: A confirmation is required to proceed with the revert.

Reverting an import permanently removes the newly added records. They are not moved to trash but deleted permanently.

Common Issues and Solutions in Data Import

Troubleshoot common issues encountered during the data import process in Concord CRM.

Records Are Not Importing

If you encounter difficulties with importing records:

  • Alternative CSV Generation:
    • Use Google Drive to export your data as a CSV file.
    • This issue can often be associated associated with conflicts from other software.

All Rows Imported Into One Field

This formatting issue can arise due to improper CSV file structure:

  1. File Editing:
    • Open your CSV file in a reliable text editor.
  2. Correct Formatting:
    • Ensure to save the file with a comma as the separator.
  3. Reference Sample File:
    • Concord CRM provides a sample CSV file as a format reference.
    • Adhering to this format can help avoid such issues.

Following these steps can resolve common import problems, ensuring a smoother data integration process in Concord CRM.