Embeddable Web Forms

Create customizable web forms that can be embedded into your existing web site or share the forms as link to automatically create, deals, contacts and companies.

Create Web Form

  • Go to Settings -> Web Forms
  • Click Create New Web Form
  • Enter title and choose your brand primary colors
  • Click Create

After the web form is created, you will be able to add sections, style, choose default pipeline or stage and configure submission options.

Web Form Editor

The editor tab is the first tab and the tab where you will be creating your form, adding sections like fields or simple message/text sections, by adding fields, you are defining the data you will be collecting via the form.

By default Concord CRM has one Introduction section and one Submit, these sections are default and cannot be removed as the form needs submit button, however, if you don't need the introduction section, you can leave it empty and the section won't be shown on the form.

If you want to add reCaptcha verification for the form, make sure that reCaptcha is configured as per the docs guide, then enable reCaptcha by editing the submit section, hover the section and click the edit icon located on the right side.

To create new section just hover over the form sections area, and you will be able see a plus sign (+), click the button where you would like to add the next section of the form.

When adding section, you can choose from Input field, File field and Message.

Add New Web Form Section

You can choose from all the Concord CRM predefined forms fields and add any additional custom fields you have created. To mark the field as required, you can check the required checkbox just at the bottom of the field section block.

Edit Web Form Field

When adding message section, this section is just a simple text section where you can add any text you are in need, the message section can be used if you want to create forms with additional information and explanations for your potential customers.

Submit Options

Success Page

What should happen after a visitor submits this form?

  • Display thank you message

    This option allows you to show a success message to the user after the form is filled, for example, if you are promising an e-book after the user fills the forms, you can add a link from the e-book so the user can download after the form is filled, or simple as success message.

  • Redirect to another website

    After the form is filled, the user will be redirected to the provided URL, usually this option can be used if you have a custom made thank you page.

Saving preferences

  • Deal Title Prefix

    For each new created deal via the form, the deal name will be prefixed with the text added in the field for easier recognition.

  • Pipeline

    Select the pipeline the deal will be saved.

  • Stage

    Select the stage the newly created deal to belongs by default, for example, this can be your first stage name e.q. "New" or "Web Form".

  • Owner

    Select sales rep that will be by default responsible for the web form being edited submissions.

  • Notifications

    You can add unlimited number of e-mail addresses, the added email addresses chosen to receive notification when the specific web form is submitted, will receive the Web Form Submitted mail template

Form Style

  • Primary Color

    Choose your company branding primary color, will be used to style the button, add borders on the fields etc...

  • Background Color

    If needed, choose the background color of the form to fit your branding.

  • Locale

    The locale will be used in most cases for validation messages because Concord CRM cannot translate the custom labels you had added for the fields.

  • Logo

    Choose a logo type to add on top of the web form.

Embed & Share

Concord CRM web forms can be embedded on any website so you can start capturing leads, the web forms can be embedded into multiple websites and all of the submissions will go straight to your Concord CRM installation.

  • Copy the code snippet below
  • Paste the code right where you want the form to appear in your template or CMS editor
  • You can also share the link directly with potential customers or existing customer to fill the form, the design is pretty decent and we do believe that you should get better conversions.

Web Form

  • When entering the snippet to your CMS, make sure you are in “code editing” mode.

  • You must place the iframe snippet on a website that uses the same protocol like your installation, for example, if your Concord CRM installation uses https:// url, you will need to add the iframe in a website that uses https:// url, adding on a non-https url, will prevent the form from loading.


What Happens After Submitting the Web Form?

Upon form submission, Concord CRM automatically creates one deal and one contact. If company-related fields are filled, a new company is also created and linked to both the deal and the contact for a comprehensive overview.

An activity log detailing the web form submission will be added to the deal, contact, and the company (if created).

Edit Web Form Field

How Does Concord CRM Identify Duplicate Contacts?

Concord CRM checks for duplicates using the contact's email or phone number, which are required fields on the form. It first searches for an existing contact by email, then by phone number. If a match is found, the existing contact is updated with the new information, and an additional activity log is created.

How Does Concord CRM Identify Duplicate Companies?

The process for identifying duplicate companies is similar to contacts. It's based on the company's email address or name.

Is a Deal Created When the Contact Already Exists?

Yes, a new deal is always created with each web form submission, regardless of whether the contact is new or a duplicate.

Are Unique Custom Fields Considered for Duplicates?

Yes, Concord CRM considers unique custom fields for contacts and companies when checking for duplicates. If a matching record is found based on these fields, the system uses the existing contact or company. Note that this does not apply to the deal, which is always created new.